Jessica Vickers

Jessica Vickers

Counsel | Cayman Islands


Contributories winding up petitions: nullity and the ability to substitute a petitioner

28 June 2017

In a recent decision delivered by the Honourable Mr Justice Segal, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands has expressly considered the issue of whether a contributory's winding up petition filed by a petitioner who did not have legal standing to petition is null and void; and, if not, whether the court has an inherent jurisdiction to substitute a petitioner to cure such a defect.

The decision of Mr Justice Segal has significant implications for a company's members (and those asserting to be its members) wishing to present a petition to wind up a company on just and equitable grounds where the shares are not registered in the petitioner's name and were not for at least six months prior to presentation of the petition.

Jessica Vickers

Jessica Vickers

Counsel | Cayman Islands

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