Legal and Regulatory Notice and Disclaimer
Mourant Group Limited (MGL) is a private limited company registered in Jersey. MGL's registered office address is 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PX, Channel Islands. MGL is the governance and coordinating entity for the Mourant Group (Mourant Group).
Mourant Group Holdings Limited (MGHL) is a private limited company registered in Jersey. MGHL's registered office address is 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PX, Channel Islands. MGHL is the intermediate holding company for the Mourant Group.
Mourant Law LP is a limited partnership registered under Jersey law. The registered office of Mourant Law LP is 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PX, Channel Islands. Mourant Law LP is the intermediate governance and coordinating entity for Mourant Ozannes. It does not advise on the laws of any jurisdiction. References such as 'Mourant Law LP Partner' or 'Partner at Mourant Law LP' throughout this site and in documents issued under the Mourant brand are to individuals who are Limited Partners of Mourant Law LP. The General Partner of Mourant Law LP is Mourant Law Limited, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands.
MourantGS HoldCo Limited (MGS HoldCo) is a private limited company registered in Jersey. MGS HoldCo's registered office address is 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PX, Channel Islands. MGS HoldCo is the intermediate governance and coordinating entity for Mourant Governance Services.
'Mourant' is not a person or entity, only a brand mark used by certain of the entities referred to in this Notice.
Legal Services
'Mourant Ozannes' designates the separate law firm partnerships, limited liability partnerships or other bodies (corporate or otherwise), which advise, respectively, on British Virgin Islands (BVI), Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, and Luxembourg law. References to Mourant Ozannes' Partners are references to individuals as partners, members or shareholders of the separate law firm partnerships, limited liability partnerships or other bodies (corporate or otherwise) advising, respectively, on BVI, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, and Luxembourg law.
Mourant Ozannes is a business name registered by Mourant Services (Jersey) Limited and licensed to the separate law firm partnerships, limited liability partnerships or other bodies advising, respectively, on BVI, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, and Luxembourg law.
Mourant Ozannes, BVI partnership is a general partnership constituted under the laws of the BVI. Its business address is 5th Floor, Waters Edge Building, Meridian Plaza, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
Mourant Ozannes (Cayman) LLP is registered as a limited liability partnership in the Cayman Islands, with registration number 601078. Its registered office address is 94 Solaris Avenue, Camana Bay, PO Box 1348, Grand Cayman, KY1-1108, Cayman Islands.
Mourant Ozannes (Guernsey) LLP is registered as a limited liability partnership in Guernsey, with registration number 144. Its registered office address is Royal Chambers, St Julian's Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HP, Channel Islands.
Mourant Ozannes (Hong Kong) LLP is a limited liability partnership under the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) of Hong Kong and is registered with The Law Society of Hong Kong as a foreign law firm whose principal place of business is at 1002-1008, 10/F Gloucester Tower, Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong. As a foreign law firm, Mourant Ozannes (Hong Kong) LLP does not provide Hong Kong legal advice and services.
Mourant Ozannes (Jersey) LLP is registered as a limited liability partnership in Jersey, with registration number LLP112. Its registered office address is 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PX, Channel Islands.
Mourant Ozannes (Singapore) LLP is a registered as a limited liability partnership in Singapore, with registration number T23LL0777E. Its registered office address is 10 Collyer Quay #40-67, Ocean Financial Centre, Singapore, 049315. As a licensed foreign law firm, Mourant Ozannes (Singapore) LLP does not provide Singapore legal advice and services.
Mourant Ozannes (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. is registered as a société à responsabilité limitée with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B181423 and is registered with the Barreau de Luxembourg, Liste V. Mourant Ozannes (Luxembourg) S.à r.l.'s registered office address is 4, avenue Jean-Pierre Pescatore, L-2324 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Consulting Services
Mourant Consulting Limited (MCL) is a private limited company registered in Jersey. MCL's registered office is at 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PX, Channel Islands. MCL is also registered as a foreign company in the Cayman Islands and its place of business is 94 Solaris Avenue, Camana Bay, PO Box 1348, Grand Cayman, KY1-1108, Cayman Islands.
Governance Services
'Mourant Governance Services' is a business name registered by Mourant Services (Jersey) Limited and licensed to a group of companies ultimately owned by Mourant Group Limited that provide trust, company administration, funds services, entity management and accounting services.
'FideField' is a business name registered by Mourant Governance Services (Luxembourg) S.à r.l.
Further details of these companies are set out below.
Cayman Islands
Mourant Governance Services (Cayman) Limited (registered number 53446) is regulated and licenced by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority as a trust company business and a mutual fund administrator.
Mourant Directors (Cayman) Limited (registration number 76823), Mourant Liquidators (Cayman) Limited (registration number 228668), Mourant Secretaries (Cayman) Limited (registration number 159499), Mourant Nominees (Cayman) Limited (registration number 298094), and Mourant Trustees (Cayman) Limited (registration number 132396) are wholly owned subsidiaries of Mourant Governance Services (Cayman) Limited.
Mourant Nominees (Cayman) Limited and Mourant Trustees (Cayman) Limited are regulated and licenced by Cayman Islands Monetary Authority.
These companies are each registered in the Cayman Islands and their registered office is: 94 Solaris Avenue, Camana Bay, PO Box 1348, Grand Cayman, KY1-1108, Cayman Islands. Telephone: +1 345 949 4123.
Mourant Governance Services (Guernsey) Limited (registration number 34501) is regulated and licenced by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as a primary fiduciary licensee.
Mourant Nominees (Guernsey) Limited (registration number 50147), Mourant Trustees (Guernsey) Limited (registration number 50153), Mourant Directors One (Guernsey) Limited (registration number 58423), Mourant Directors Two (Guernsey) Limited (registration number 58424) and Mourant Secretaries (Guernsey) Limited (registration number 58422) are wholly owned subsidiaries of Mourant Governance Services (Guernsey) Limited and are each regulated and licenced by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as a secondary fiduciary licensee.
These companies are each registered in Guernsey and their registered office is: Royal Chambers, St Julian's Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HP, Channel Islands. Telephone: +44 1481 723 466.
Mourant Securities Limited (registration number 49057), a company owned by MGHL, is a Category 1 Listing Member of The International Securities Exchange. The registered office and contact details of Mourant Securities Limited are as follows: Royal Chambers, St Julian's Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HP, Channel Islands. Telephone: +44 1481 723 466.
MourantGS Accounting Services Limited (registration number 65219) is regulated and licenced by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as a prescribed business. It is registered in Guernsey and its registered office is: Fairbairn House, Rohais, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1FE. Telephone: +44 1481 754 900.
Hong Kong
Mourant Governance Services (Hong Kong) Limited (registered number 2655190) is registered in Hong Kong and its registered office is: 1009, 10/F Gloucester Tower, Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong.
Mourant Governance Services (Jersey) Limited (registered number 103229) is regulated and licenced by the Jersey Financial Services Commission as a trust company business and a fund services business.
MourantGS Fund Services (Jersey) Limited (registered number 148221) is regulated and licenced by the Jersey Financial Services Commission as a trust company business and a fund services business.
Mourant Secretaries (Jersey) Limited, Mourant Fiduciary (Jersey) Limited, and Mourant Corporate Trustee (Jersey) Limited are wholly owned subsidiaries of Mourant Governance Services (Jersey) Limited and are each regulated and licenced by the Jersey Financial Services Commission as a trust company business.
These companies are each registered in Jersey and their registered office is: 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PX, Channel Islands. Telephone: +44 1534 676 000.
Mourant Securities Limited, a Guernsey registered company (see Guernsey section for more information on this company) also carries on business in Jersey through a branch. The branch's address and contact details are as follows: 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PX, Channel Islands. Telephone: +44 1534 676 000.
Mourant Group Limited (registered number 152759) and Mourant Group Holdings Limited (registered number 154024) are each registered in Jersey and their registered office is 22 Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PX, Channel Islands. Telephone: +44 1534 676 000.
Mourant Governance Services (Luxembourg) S.à r.l., a corporation (société à responsabilité limitée) incorporated in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B223545, is regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. Its registered office address is 18, rue Michel Rodange, L-2430, Luxembourg.
MourantGS Services (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. is registered as a société à responsabilité limitée with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register in Luxembourg under number B288786. Its registered office address is 20 rue Michel Rodange, L-2430 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Mourant Global Solutions Limited (company number 171861 and business registration number C20171861) is registered in Mauritius. Its registered office is Office 14-17, 2nd Floor, Block 2, The Strand, Lakeside District, Beau Plan 21001, Mauritius.
Mourant Governance Services (Singapore) Pte. Ltd (registered number 202410258C) is registered in Singapore. Its registered office is 10 Collyer Quay, #40-66, Ocean Financial Centre, Singapore (049315).
United Kingdom
Mourant Governance Services (UK) Limited (registered number 11552614) is registered in England and Wales. Its registered office is 10th Floor, 110 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6EU.
All references in the remainder of this section to 'Mourant' should be taken to mean MGL, Mourant Law LP, each of the separate law firm partnerships, limited liability partnerships or other bodies (corporate or otherwise) trading under the name 'Mourant Ozannes' and each of their respective subsidiaries from time to time.
The materials contained in this website (including any publications or documents) are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice and should not be acted or relied upon as such.
Professional advice appropriate to the specific situation should always be obtained. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained on this website is complete and accurate at the date of publication, Mourant gives no warranty as to the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this website and accepts no liability arising from any inaccuracy or omissions in or the use of or reliance on the information contained on this website.
This website is subject to the laws of Jersey, Channel Islands, and the jurisdiction of the Jersey courts. Any communication with this website shall be deemed to have taken place in Jersey, Channel Islands, irrespective of where the remote user may physically be located.
The copyright in the content, design, graphics, layout, visual images and downloadable material on this website is owned by MGL. Permission is granted to view, download, and print any of the content and downloadable material on this website for personal use only. No other copying, distribution, modification, republication or other use of the content or materials on this website is permitted without the express written permission of an authorised representative of MGL.
Fraudulent Emails
Mourant has been made aware that fraudulent emails are being sent to members of the public purporting to come from an individual who works at the firm. We wish to inform the public that Mourant is not involved with these emails.
Members of the public are advised not to respond to any request to provide personal or confidential information in these scam emails.
When a firm's or individual's identity has been copied exactly (or cloned), due diligence is necessary. If you receive correspondence claiming to be from Mourant, you should conduct your own due diligence by checking the authenticity of the correspondence by contacting Mourant directly by reliable and established means.
For further guidance please visit
Data Protection
The Mourant Group has a global data protection policy and applies a standard across all its offices based on the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
To the extent that use of this website requires the provision of personal data by any individual, that personal data will be processed in accordance with the Mourant Group Privacy Notice, available by clicking the link headed 'Privacy Notice'.
Version: 8059092/86449127/15
Last updated: 1 February 2025