
Regulated Business Services

Our services

Guiding regulated businesses through complex regulations with expert governance, risk management, compliance, and audit solutions.



We work with a broad range of regulated businesses from individuals to global Financial Institutions to support them in navigating the complexities of international and local regulation. We are a trusted advisor to our clients providing support ranging from a steer on a contentious issue through to multi-year programmes of change and development within governance, risk and compliance functions. We work closely with colleagues within Mourant's legal teams to ensure that where you require specific advice on matters of law, you have access to leading legal expertise across our jurisdictions.


Our Services





We provide trusted advice on strategy with a focus on aligning commercial activity with regulatory requirements in order that you are able to operate confidently as a regulated business.


We provide advisory services on new and existing initiatives designed to ensure that your activities incorporate your regulatory obligations by design.

Senior Management

We provide tailored advice for C-Suite executives, and compliance professionals, on the nuances of regulatory matters, their obligations and the latest sector developments.

Board Effectiveness

We provide independent assurance of board effectiveness through our unique tool, mapping against core principles and best practice, then providing tailored support if required.

Corporate Governance

We provide independent advice and assurance on corporate governance arrangements that looks beyond strict obligations towards organisational effectiveness and growth.

Training & Development

We provide bespoke training aligned to the needs and requirements of your people at all levels from new joiner to C-Suite. We deliver training in person wherever possible.

Risk & Compliance

Risk Assessments & Framework

We provide independent assurance of your framework and key risk assessments, such as the Business Risk Assessment, mapping against best practice, and provide tailored ongoing support as required.

Examination & Remediation Support

We provide support ahead of, during, and following examinations by regulators. Through our experience as regulators, we offer unique insights into their expectations. This includes support with remediation effectiveness testing, to ensure that remediation plans are not only met, but operate effectively and can be evidenced.

Compliance Framework & Function Reviews

We provide independent assurance of your compliance framework, including key documentation such as the Compliance Monitoring Plan, mapping against the Business Risk Assessment and regulatory requirements, and provide tailored ongoing support as required.

Application Support

We provide support to clients applying for or seeking to expand their regulatory approvals. We offer a unique insight into the regulators’ expectations, and how to manage the process successfully.

Financial Crime

We provide independent review and advisory services to help you meet your AML, CFT, CPF, and Sanctions obligations. In particular we are experienced in delivering risk focused financial crime reviews to meet local internal audit requirements.

Internal Audit

Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations. It helps an organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.

The benefit of an internal audit function is recognised by Regulators, Businesses and Risk Professionals around the world but not all businesses will be operating at a scale that justifies a dedicated internal audit function. Similarly, not all internal audit functions can cover the number of specialist topics they should to be able to provide assurance across all of their locations and operations.

Mourant Consulting internal audit services are designed by professionals with strong internal audit and risk & regulatory expertise and can be used to great effect in a number of situations. A number of common scenarios are covered below:

  • Regulator Driven Internal Audit

    In many locations in which Mourant Consulting operate the regulator has mandated that regulated businesses must undertake periodic internal audit reviews of compliance with certain laws and regulations. Mourant Consulting work with clients, as their outsourced internal audit function to tailor an internal audit programme of activity to meet their regulatory needs. From mapping combined assurance channels to developing and delivering a tailored programme of activity and tracking the completion of outstanding actions we can meet regulatory and board expectations in a proportionate and cost effective fashion.

  • Group Driven Internal Audit

    Whilst your business may be large enough to support an inhouse internal audit function it may struggle for capacity, face challenges in moving staff to the relevant location or find that they do not have the expertise to consider and deliver on audits of local laws and regulations. Mourant Consulting can support group internal audit activity, through a co-sourced arrangement, with resources on an audit by audit basis or subject matter expertise to supplement a group lead internal audit.

  • Event Driven Internal Audit

    Your business may not need an internal audit function on a business as usual basis but need independent assurance on the effective management of risk as a result of a particular event. For example, an operational incident may be reported to the board and the board may determine that they wish to be provided with targeted assurance to ensure that repeat incidents will not occur. Mourant Consulting can design an audit programme that can support good governance and effective board oversight through the provision of timely reporting on incident related risks.

  • Internal Audit Resource Availability

    Often our clients operate in smaller jurisdictions and it can be hard to find high quality internal audit expertise. Mourant Consulting can provide such resource on a secondment, contract or day rate basis to supplement existing internal audit resource or cover leave for existing resource.

Other Services

Due Diligence 

We provide tailored buy and sell side due diligence for clients purchasing or selling regulated businesses. We provide independent assurance on the regulatory standing of the target entity with clear reports highlighting core issues that require attention. 

Retained Expert Advice

We provide retained expert advice for clients in need of ongoing, trusted, confidential support on all aspects of governance, risk and compliance. This service often follows engagements where we have provided interim resource or strategic advisory services.

Interim Resource

We can provide interim resource for our clients in both the public and private sectors where key roles need cover, or where projects need to be driven forward. We seek to identify the best person from our team both in terms of their expertise and their cultural fit with your organisation.

Regulatory Updates

We provide regular updates on developments in our core jurisdictions (Cayman, Guernsey and Jersey) tailored to the specific activities of our clients, and their interests. Our updates focus on “what needs to be done” in order that our clients can put the updates into practice.

Cyber & Data

We provide assurance on data, information and cyber-security arrangements including testing the operational effectiveness of those arrangements. We regularly review and advise on enhancements to Data Protection arrangements and compliance with cross-border data protection rules.

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