
Jonathan Rigby

Jonathan Rigby

Chief Executive Officer | Jersey

Danielle Roman

Danielle Roman

Partner | Hong Kong

Creating a workplace where everyone feels that they belong and can thrive

08 March 2022

We believe in inclusive workplaces where everyone feels seen, heard, valued and respected, so we were thrilled to host on 8 March 2022 a special event with award-winning speaker and inclusion expert, Shola Kaye, on the theme of 'Creating Inclusive Workplaces'.

Hosted by two of the firm's Inclusion Leaders Jonathan Rigby, Global Managing Partner, and Danielle Roman, Partner and Hong Kong Banking & Finance Practice Leader, Shola Kaye delivered an engaging session that explored important topics including the intersectional impact of gender, race and ethnicity on inclusion in the workplace. The event marked two priority dates in the firm's Inclusion Calendar: International Women's Day (8 March) and International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March).

Top Takeaways

The event, attended by both clients and colleagues, was an insightful and thought provoking session with the key takeaways including:

    • Stereotypes and assumptions based on gender, race and ethnicity have a material impact on the lived experiences of women and people of colour in the workplace, compounded further by intersectionality, and felt particularly through resulting biases including 'gender role bias' and 'prove it again' bias
    • Microaggressions, commonplace interactions that often unintentionally put down or denigrate marginalised groups, can lead to poor health, reduced confidence and lost opportunities for career advancement. We all have a role to play in being alert and responding appropriately to microaggressions in the workplace
    • Inclusive leaders play a key role modelling inclusive behaviours through empathy, welcoming different perspectives, awareness of their own biases and fostering an environment where people are empowered and encouraged to be active allies 

Click here to access useful articles, books and infographics recommended by Shola Kaye.

Nurturing an Inclusive Workplace at Mourant 

Creating a workplace where everyone feels that they belong and can thrive is a key people and business priority at Mourant. In December 2021, we launched a firm-wide 2025 Inclusion Strategy, supported by an ambitious and robust action plan that includes specific steps and milestones to build an authentically diverse and inclusive team across all levels. 

Mourant Global Managing Partner, Jonathan Rigby, said: "We know that nurturing a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect is vital to enable and empower our people of all backgrounds, identities and experiences to fulfil their potential and to be the best firm we can be. In support of our goal to have an authentically diverse and inclusive workforce, we have agreed gender diversity aspirational milestones for partners and leadership, with full commitment from our senior management team that we will continuously review." 

Gender diversity milestones for partners and leadership

2025 - 30:50:20
minimum 30% female, 50% male, 20% any gender identity (including non-binary, trans or any other gender identity) 

2030 - 40:40:20
minimum 40% female, 40% male, 20% any gender identity (including non-binary, trans or any other gender identity) 

In support of these aspirational milestones, the firm has committed to: 

    • Review our approach to performance, development, reward and promotion to identify and interrupt opportunities for bias
    • Conduct focus groups to identify barriers and understand the lived experiences of our female talent
    • Establish and embed policies and processes that ensure fair and equitable access to career vitality 

Partner and Hong Kong Banking & Finance Practice Leader, Danielle Roman, said: "To achieve tangible and meaningful progress towards our gender aspirational milestones, we have identified a number of practical and achievable actions to help ensure our female talent is able to excel. We recognise that change doesn't happen overnight, but are confident that by working together in support of our shared commitment, we will take positive steps towards creating an authentically diverse and inclusive culture." 

Shola Kaye, a keynote speaker specialising in empathetic communication, leadership and equity, diversity and inclusion said: "Creating inclusive workplaces takes commitment, investment and purposeful action to see meaningful and sustainable change. It is great to see Mourant driving forward their inclusion strategy with a robust action plan that is visibly supported by senior leadership." 

Find out more about our approach to Inclusion here.







Jonathan Rigby

Jonathan Rigby

Chief Executive Officer | Jersey

Danielle Roman

Danielle Roman

Partner | Hong Kong

About Mourant

Mourant is a law firm-led, professional services business with over 60 years' experience in the financial services sector. We advise on the laws of the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey and Luxembourg and provide specialist entity management, governance, regulatory and consulting services.

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