Taxing Times
28 February 2018
The Royal Court has handed down judgment in Ariel –v- Halabi [2018] JRC 006A where a UK based trustee-in-bankruptcy (the Trustee) sought a variation of an earlier order to allow him to disclose to HMRC documents that he had obtained from Jersey institutions in the course of administering the bankruptcy. In a judgment likely to prove controversial, the Jersey court held that it had power to grant permission and did in fact do so. Justin Harvey-Hills (Partner), Luke Olivier (Senior Associate) and Ben Thorp (Associate) are acting for the parties resisting disclosure.
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Mourant is a law firm-led, professional services business with over 60 years' experience in the financial services sector. We advise on the laws of the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey and Luxembourg and provide specialist entity management, governance, regulatory and consulting services.