Primeo v HSBC: Cayman Court of Appeal considers service provider claims
21 June 2019
On 13 June 2019, following a 10-day appeal hearing at the end of last year, the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal handed down its ruling in Primeo Fund v Bank of Bermuda (Cayman) Ltd & Anr - Appeal 21 of 2017. The Judgment considers the claims being advanced against HSBC group companies in their roles as administrator and custodian to Primeo Fund (in Official Liquidation), a Madoff feeder fund. The claims have been made good, subject to the question of reflective loss which Primeo's liquidators are now considering appealing to the Privy Council.
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Mourant is a law firm-led, professional services business with over 60 years' experience in the financial services sector. We advise on the laws of the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey and Luxembourg and provide specialist entity management, governance, regulatory and consulting services.